ServicesWhat We Do

Irrigation Repair

Irrigation Repair

We locate and repair leaks, we locate and repair cut wires, we change broken heads, we add and move heads to update and change coverage. We specialize in hunter, rainbird, and torro materials. We use Rotors, sprays, MP rotary, and drip irrigation.

Image attribution: Barnett Irrigation Services

Drainage Repair

Drainage Repair

We will asses any drainage problems your yard has and give you a written estimate to correct, including French drains, earth drains, or down spouts connected to drainage and run clear of property.

Image attribution: Barnett Irrigation Services

Sod Repair

Sod and Overseeding

Due to popular demand Barnett has been doing an increasing amount of turf work on all jobs we prep the soil by tilling, liming, screen top soil, and starter fertilizer which produces rich and luxurios turf.

Image attribution: Barnett Irrigation Services

Certified Backflow Testing

Certified Backflow Testing

Upon request we certify back flow test and pressure wash.

Image attribution: Barnett Irrigation Services